Certified Professional Demand
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Agenda for our Webinar
What XLNC Offers
What is Certified Ethical Hacking?
A Certified Ethical Hacker (C|EH) is a specialist typically working in a red team environment, focused on attacking computer systems and gaining access to networks, applications, databases, and other critical data on secured systems. A C|EH® understands attack strategies, the use of creative attack vectors, and mimics the skills and creativity of malicious hackers. Unlike malicious hackers and actors, Certified Ethical Hackers operate with permission from the system owners and take all precautions to ensure the outcomes remain confidential. Bug bounty researchers are expert ethical hackers who use their attack skills to uncover vulnerabilities in the systems.
Ethical Hacking Process
Skills for Ethical Hacking
Skills for Ethical Hacking
Who Should Attend our Webinar?
Benefits of Ethical Hacking
The XLNC Academy is recognised as a Market Leader for IT professionals looking to enhance their skills. We proudly deliver Outstanding Learning Services to our global learners. Our award-winning courses are designed using highly interactive learning strategies, supported by extensive research in designing and developing content so that learners can benefit from this unusual and unique content exclusive to XLNC Academy learners.
Identify Vulnerabilities
Prevents Unauthorized
Data Access
Secure Networks
Prevents Cyber Attacks
Learn Attacker's Thinking
Prevents Financial Losses
By Attending webinar
you will get 20% off
on Ethical Hacking Certification.
Additionally you will get
4 employeebility enhancement courses free worth Rs. 30,000/-
Frequently Asked Questions
Ethical hacking is a legal and authorized process where security experts simulate cyber attacks to identify and fix vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks, or applications, helping organizations strengthen their security measures. It aims to protect systems from malicious hackers by proactively addressing potential weaknesses
Individuals who hold the skills required for conducting Ethical Hacking, get higher ranks in companies and get paid more than an average IT Professional
The Certified Ethical Hacker Certification (C|EH) is the world’s #1 ethical hacking certification.
The C|EH program helps you understand hackers by getting you into their mindset. After all, to be a hacker, you need to think like a hacker.
There are both unethical and ethical hackers:
unethical hackers engage in illegal or unlawful activities, while ethical hackers use their hacking knowledge to protect organizations and their assets.
The official C|EH course is the world’s #1 ethical hacking certification. If you want to become one of the world’s best ethical hackers, the C|EH is recommended by experienced professionals, organizations in both the private and public sector, industry leaders and experts, and hiring managers.
Certified Ethical Hackers are hired by organization’s either on contract or as full-time employees to help improve the organizations security posture. C|EH is a required baseline certification for many different job roles.